Are the Acne Disturbs You
Why Treat Acne with IPL?
1. A gentle treatment that addresses both the p.acne bacteria, as well as the pigmentation and redness of your skin.
2. It’s a fast “lunch-time” treatment with no downtime and less side effects than oral medication.
3. Improve your skin appearance and gain your confidence back with just a few treatments.
What Is It?
Intense Pulsed Light is an energy-based treatment that is non-invasive and has no downtime. IPL emits quick pulses of broad band light energy that treat acne by targeting its main pathophysiological causes. It also targets various other skin issues such as wrinkles, pigmentation, spider veins, and superficial acne scars.
Unlike lasers, Omni IPL emits a band of light of different wavelengths ranging from 400nm to 900nm, while lasers focus and emits only on a single wavelength. Since it emits light at several wavelengths, the pulses become less focused and more scattered as compared to what a laser device can do.
The Omni IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) acne treatment enables you to greatly improve your skin appearance, reduce your acne, while at the same time treat the redness and pigmentation of your skin.
The unique Omni IPL technology utilizes light flashes over the treated area, triggering biochemical response that will eventually kill the bacteria within the pores.
IPL is a non-invasive solution on inflammatory acne with less collateral effects than oral medication.
How Does It Work?
The IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) is one of the most commonly administered form of light therapy in dermatological applications. IPL systems are designed to deliver many rapid, high intensity and controlled pulses of light. The controlled pulsing prevents thermal damage to your skin and minimizes discomfort.
IPL technology allows to treat your acne with specific wavelengths of light which target the bacteria in the skin, as well as inflamed sebaceous glands that contribute to breakouts.
IPL energy at various wavelengths is also used to selectively destroy pigment clusters, blood-filled capillary veins, or hair, depending on the intended nature of the treatment.
The Treatment
Omni IPL treatments are not suitable for everyone and carry some risks. IPL for acne is not suitable when you have active viral or fungal skin conditions or skin cancer. Risks may include: redness, swelling and change of pigmentation. Be sure to consult with your treatment provider before choosing this treatment.
To ensure utmost comfort, your physician should apply cold coupling gel on the treatment area. Depending on your specific concern, you can expect the session to last 15-20 minutes.
You may experience a warm sensation as the light is applied to the skin, but the treatment is gentle and should not feel uncomfortable.