Quality Meeting for August 2024

On September 14, 2024 Omni Laser has conducted a monthly quality meeting to discuss and solve the quality issues happened in August, thus to better service the clients.

The departments participating in this meeting are: Quality Depart, Production Depart, after-sales technology Depart, Sales Depart, Purchasing Depart, and Warehouse.

Quality Meeting for August 2024


Quality department. has counted qualification rate of raw materials and parts, testing situation of finished machines, and put forward.And the pass rate of delivery in August is 98.59%.The target value is 95%.

Purchasing depart.In August, the defective rate of incoming materials accounted for 1.41%, little fluctuation from the defective rate 1.16% of incoming materials in July.

Sales depart. reported clients' comments, and tracing the progress of machine after-sales maintenance.

After-sales technology Depart.In August, totally solve after-sales warranty problems for 10 times.

Technical department. Provide Solutions for customer feedback in Singapore and Japan. Issues were properly addressed, Omni staffs put their ideas together to improve processes and implement quality control into daily work. Let's review an impressive case.


  1. Customer feedback SHR200, the cumulative luminescence times of HR and SR are often automatically reset to zero after startup, and the calibration displays success.
  2. Among the 5 TS SR cavity assies purchased, 2 glue leaks and FM power supply often encounters the problem of 8-pin connector burning.

Omni Actions

1.For the problem of SHR200:

Omni’s handling result:After diucussing with engineer,it was caused by the customer's mistake in the power failure operation.Omni quickly replied to the specific cause of the problem with clients,In the future, for the same situation,Omni will respond to customers more accurately and quickly and solve the root problem to avoid repeated occurrence.

On client's side:Explain the precautions of the machine in use to the customer in a timely manner.

2.For the problem of the cavities and power supply:

Omni’s handling result: helping client send back the cavities,power supply and arrange repair immediately.

On Omni factory's side, we will strengthen the water inspection when the single gun is shipped. After the warehouse gets the materials, all the water inspection needs to be carried out.Formulate new standards for incoming inspection of spare parts,

On supplier side, after negotiations, suppliers will inspect future deliveries to Omni to the highest standards in spare parts.


Clients are satisfied with Omni's swift action and after-sales service on time.



In the future work,Omni can continue to strengthen our product quality and take the following measures:
1. Continuous Improvement: We need to continuously improve our quality system and quality work to adapt to the ever-changing market and customer needs. We need to strengthen training and support to ensure that employees are equipped with the latest quality knowledge and skills.
2. Establish Feedback Mechanism: We need to establish an effective feedback mechanism to collect customer feedback and suggestions and continuously improve our products and services. We can consider the establishment of customer satisfaction survey and complaint mechanism and the establishment of customer feedback and suggestions channel.
3. Increased Cooperation: We need to increase cooperation to ensure that our quality work can be done in concert. We can strengthen team collaboration and communication to jointly solve problems and challenges in quality work.

Nowadays, customer behavior and needs are rapidly changing, with increasing quality feedback and new demands for beauty equipment. Omni quality meetings will need to take into account these new trends in consumer behavior and market dynamics of the beauty industry, ensure that the quality pass rate of purchased materials is always greater than 95%, and constantly follow up to optimize the quality of subsequent products based on the quality feedback of customers, and timely inform the clients of relevant precautions and suggestions in use. Thus fundamentally reduce the repeated and frequent occurrence of quality problems, improve customer satisfaction and experience, and strive to promote the quality of our products to a higher level, the future we go forward, constantly examine ourselves, and forge ahead!


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